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FAQ  (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.   What is the best way to make money?

A.   I have heard this question many times and I have concluded that there are many ways to make money on runescape.  I have included some of them below.
   1.   Kill monsters.  This is my favorite way of getting money, you go out and you kill creatures, then you sell the things they drop or collect the money that they drop.
   2.   Trade with other players.  This is another good way to get money.  If you find something aluable lying around that you already have then trade it with another player for money or valuables.
   3.   Go to Karajma island (which costs 30 gold to get there and 30 gold to get back)  and fill the crate there with bananas.  The banana dealer there will pay you gold for each crate that you fill.
   4.  Go to the wilderness and to a level where no one can attack you.  Only take three items with you, though, as this method is not fulproof.  Wander around, avoiding monsters and pick up the stacks of gold that regenerate every 3.5 seconds.  Or go and find a group of other human players (More times than not they are in the wilderness for experience points and not loot) in the wilderness and pick up the loot that the monsters drop and they don't get.  Beware that this method is not fulproof and sometimes players attack you.  If they do this and you are losing, run!  Don't stand around and get killed.

Please e-mail me at if you have a question or answer.  Thank you.